
description of older


before that

write me


we will all stay as we are
Men In this Town
the person i'm supposed to choose (hard to breathe)
stop worring, sit down, and write
my life will not deplete me
enormous relief
do the resume thing
making a nest with just me and the boys
my reticence and sensitivity
i want to tell you what is really happeniing
don't tell me to fuck off (the bitch)
Texas, September 2006
home alone with candles and incense and music(my grandfather's hands)
for that moment irretractable
the boys
deeply eternally grateful
catching my breath(things i don't want)
a little sex
for lauren
whatever dude.
avocado. pine nuts. dried cranberries. (christ told them to back off)
hopefully this time
hopefully this time
ping-pong and fried chicken
ramblings(mermaids and niggas)
learn to forget (our personal tsunami)
for now that's enough
safe place(california expects me to come back)
just an update
back in the stress
it's getting better, right?
long and rambling entry about benji and prison
don't even bother
will the sheriff listen to me now?
be with me forever
not roll the fattest spliff
cute guys didn't hurt(my pink cloud)
my prayer today
adrian two crow
i don't understand
austin and ryan
back like a motherfucker
here! this way!
growing tobacco and growing hemp
did i say i was sleepy?
looking out and out
see the heaven
auspicous whales
leap year
still hope left
grateful for the rain
closer i get to the land
happy new year
ptsd(started some dreadlocks of his own)
rat's nest
hope your thanksgiving
to my frozen toes
i need a hat
memorized a little poem
fury and passion
slow and easy
feels like i've found home
what kind of wedding gown would you wear?
my sacred dream
treat me with kid gloves
someone else who nodded and said yes
feel it and let it fall away
feels like saturday
pickles in huge crock vats
think i'll go back to bed
ain't life grand(like fucking hell)
take a walk
bounty from my heart
come, mothers, rest.
so do i.
people touch it who don't wipe
pygmy goats and a llama
gettin' political
flotsam and jetsam
a little plate with a few grapes
the soldier not the poet
used a canning jar lid
sorry for the rambling
i'm sorry i've been quiet (terry has very nice arms)
start calling around asking for bob
sleep come quick
feels good
cheer for it all
a small herd of chickens
new underwear and toilet paper
where it's at.
the healing place
don't know what else to say
the next most amazing day
happy poetry month
The Oracle's Reply
shelly, part one
i try
mutoscopes(beautiful rooster)
dark in my open palm
i just want the chips picked up off the floor
nothing feels the same
surrender(a tree fell)
life of a prarie woman(never even got to my asshole)
get back onto a regular writing schedule
back online next week
pray, please.
sweet morning
Lazarus, come from the dead
Austin meets Dallas: we did it!
and we'll give thanks for it
the answer
still in the running
loser, broke, no skills
first i must survive the credit check
she was weeping
Ryan holding down the fort
bend the dog rule
meanwhile on the cosmic plane
master baker
hair gone wild(like that again)
wherever you go, i will go
cornflower-blue eyes
if you leave me here now, don't come back
am i moments away from something delicious?
orphan child with the gifts to please(the swan inside)
walk through the room without losing balance
to be like you
the trinity of despair(shit-covered dicks)
tasty recipes for pigs trotters(found prose)
peach and pomegranate(sweet lover friend)
baptized in a cow trough
people do it all the time
heathcliff having pancakes
no comment.
energy heat light sex fear love sweat
for now, just rest.
decorating tips
everything under the sun and brick walls
i would lie for years about saints and fairies
you surrender(like a boot camp sergeant)
felt like picking a fight
my first drink
and so she ran free
a running, screaming child...resembles an injured animal
'where did she go? i miss her.'
like water seeping into dry earth (terry)
every moment within me (terry)
get them dogs and head north
damn those blondes with guinea pigs(time to go)
the adam thing
terry and i are the noise monitors of the place
you just want to sleep. and if you're smart, you do.
camping, part 1
i know you, writer
like god putting his cheek against her cheek
walking away from omelas
trained his wikki wikki to oompa loompa in the ziederzee
moments that make it all worth it...
that's my boy.
a hundred sleepy-eyed puppies
deeper water than i ever imagined
the woof and warp of her sex
the hope of pastels
boyish haircuts and dandruff(hope yours was magic)
happy valentine's day
it moves me
in other words
say something goofy
calling to me like a wicked siren
up everyone's ass
cleaning shit
threw some unknown item...and waved a photo
i'll never...
so much wheat
a thumb the size of my foot
you have to let go
a wonderful evening
really are beautiful
luck and stupid women
i know it's there
the most important things
turn on the T.V. and wait
a damn good day
who took care of me
because he asked
for the first time
paint the wall burgandy now
pocket treasure
a sad day (the color of bondo)
lonely smoking guy
it feels like a gentle dance
insert knife here
some big guy's kitchen bitch
only darkness ahead
want to read it?
those of us who love you
warm water cascading over us
even with numb lips
the world earth sky with my hands moving through
getting the lay of the land
is it friday yet?
not my child
"Kiss me," she said
slow silent weekend
those dead sailors
the way to enlightenment
voluntarily surrendering
it's not gonna happen
say the words
from my mother
it is done
time to do laundry
a breakthrough
it's all been done
can't sit still
i want it anyway
the most humiliating e-mail ever, part 2
the most humiliating e-mail ever, part 1
like you'd been working on it forever
rooms where children gasp and moan
feeling cozy lately
kindness and consideration
you wait for him
the end of a visit
breathe, once again
the awe inspired by a guest
you wish for a noble
she sends her shooting stars
that's how i need it
what happened?
the wizard is JUST A MAN
sighing through tight lips
i kissed him
when a horse gives you his tongue
out of the closet
hold out your hands
signed for an abortion
why i insist on long beach
on earth as it is in heaven
wicked city woman vs. country mouse
radiating(those boys)
a poem
she knows what she wants
knotted ball of thread
unsparing of you
ballet of casting and reeling
tell me i won't always be alone
for sale?
still won't bend
wild alongside
where was i going?
only wanted apples
do not use candles for light
lurid dreams(daydreaming)
afraid. weak. tired.
a good weekend
know these ways
i have died
tomorrow is friday
creating this life
kissing(a thousand times)
doing it pretty damn well
three poems
holding my breath forever
figure it out(bastard)
touching again and again
just breathing
staring intensely at my doc martens
sogni d'oro
long beach
to the edge
hamster work
snipping away
patron saint of single mothers
standing amidst the rubble
answering questions
cooking like zen
upside down
going home
since may
an extra hour
surprised by joy
otto the robot
last one